Android and iOS Apps

 for Students, Parents and Teachers

Android App

Apple store


The mobile app is complementary to the web-based application with enhanced features for end-users such as students, parents and teachers. With an intuitive interface that allows real-time access to school-related information such as attendance, assessments and marking. The advanced notification functionality of the mobile app informs end-users of any updates regarding new messages, assignments deadlines and upcoming events.



Students, teachers and parents have access to a live feed of all the announcements related to the school’s academic activity, such as events, activities, parent teacher meetings etc. In each announcement the title, description and location of the event associated to the announcement, as well as any attached files related to it are displayed to the end user.


End users can receive, reply, or send messages directly from and to the school administration, as well as teachers, parents, and students. Parents may also get updates about any issue concerning their kids.


Students, teachers and parents gain quick access to the educational calendar and get updates about events such as exams, meetings with parents or teachers, extracurricular events and much more. The calendar can be displayed in 3 views, such as per week, per timetable or per day.


Teachers can edit the attendance status for each student directly from their mobile device and see a detailed attendance report for each specific class. Moreover, students and parents can view a detailed attendance record including information such as date, type, number of absences, class, subject, and comments.


Students and their parents can view their assessment marking and scheduling with details such as the assessment’s description, subject, date, type, and lock date. Moreover, the screen Assessment Analytics provides a detailed graphical representation of the progress students are making in class assessments from different subjects.


The mobile app allows teachers to upload relative homework to the subjects they teach directly from their mobile device. Additionally, students can see the assigned homework for each specific class they attend, while parents will be automatically updated about their kid’s homework in a detailed and analytical manner.