We help Educational Organizations of all sizes,

manage effectively student data and academic processes



                     HOW MERBEBT HELPS EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS                                                                           MANAGE ACADEMIC PROCESSES

Secure Data Management

Merbebt provides a reliable data management environment, hosted on MS Azure. Moreover, it allows IT managers to treat data securely, despite the size of the educational organization. Merbebt allows educational organizations within Ethiopia, to implement all GDPR requirements and principles easily.

Flexible Structure

Merbebt is an Information Management System that provides all key features required for the effective administration of any educational organization, no matter the size of the organization or the type of educational system. We provide a no-code, fully customizable environment to create the structure that resonates with the specific needs of your educational institution. By using Merbebt, you can implement a highly scalable and out-of-the-box system that can offer you end-to-end management of the education lifecycle.

Curriculum Builder

Merbebt provides a comprehensive tool to build Curriculums and plans of studies. You can easily create curriculum entities such as semesters, years, and groups of mandatory or optional subjects, units or modules. Also, program managers can manage credit requirements for progression and graduation and automatically allow students continue to the next year or force them to repeat based on annual results. Merbebt also provides tools for online enrollment and allows end-users to self-enroll. Moreover, students can select elective units or subjects and choose a related class or group. Merbebt provides tools for bulk enrollment of mandatory subjects, units, modules, or courses.

Detailed Student Records

Educators and administration employees can have a wide range of student data in their fingertips by accessing the student card on Merbebt. These data range from academic performance and grades to student personal and medical data or financial arrangements, helping academic staff retrieving vital information when needed.

Registration Management

School registration management can be a time-consuming and complex task. However, Merbebt allows admission officers and back-office employees to handle registration and student enrollment easily and effectively to several educational programs and curriculums. Additionally, students or their parents have the option to self-register online, thus removing this laborious task from your administration team


Process Automation & Bulk Actions

We help education leaders and staff members get rid of tedious and repetitive tasks that could easily be automated with Merbebt all-in-one SIS. Student data can be imported and exported in-bulk in various formats, allowing users to eliminate errors and save tons of hours.


                                    DISCOVER MERBEBT CORE MODULE                                ════════════

     Educational Programs
         & School Registration         Management

Student enrollment in educational programs is a very arduous and time-consuming task. Merbebt makes it easy to view and manage school registrations, allowing each student to be enrolled in various educational programs and curriculums. Additionally, Merbebt SIS allows the management of multiple and complex registrations, while it provides the opportunity to create and administer multiple educational programs.

Contacts, Detailed Cards
& Confidential Info

Student cards store information related to demographics, contact details, academic and financial data. Much information can be managed in the student card including uploading files and certificates, managing students’ transportation data, recording actions or remarks, dealing with complaints, etc. Moreover, Merbebt facilitates connections between siblings and other family members promoting the development of dynamic family structures through user relationship’s management.

                         Extra-Curricular            Activities

Extra-curricular activities are often associated with more administrative burdens. Using Merbebt will allow you to effectively manage all the activities such as clubs or afternoon courses that your school may offer. You can create any type of activity in just a few steps, provide a detailed description and offer the opportunity to students and parents to enroll online. Additionally, Merbebt features multiple timetables per activity, group activities, management of activities constraints and much more.


               Subjects & Groups            Management

Merbebt simplifies the process of managing groups and academic subjects. Students can register for a subject after reviewing all academic and billing data, while grading and syllabus structure are designed based on the institution’s requirements, offering a detailed lesson plan. Additionally, Merbebt provides an advanced Group management tool to allow students enroll individually or in bulk in multiple Groups, attending one or more subjects.


Merbebt Core module allows users to manage additional services such as educational trips, excursions, or seminars via the comprehensive services modules. Additional services such as lunch or accommodation, or any other activity like studying abroad can be handled as well.


Creating an organized timetable is a complex task. Merbebt enables admins to carefully develop an effective schedule by supporting multiple timetables creation per teacher, group, or classroom. This unique approach identifies students’ and teachers’ time constraints and allows administration employees to easily create timetables by checking for potential conflicts.


            Year to Υear Τransfers                                                                                         With Merbebt, multiple academic periods can be managed easily just by copying student and educator entities to a new academic period. Thus, the system automatically assigns them to the correct institute and year. Moreover, Merbebt manages automated groups and subjects’ enrollments based on pre-defined chains of subjects and groups, while it can also provide statistical analysis related to re-registration or first-time registration of students.

Document Management

Merbebt also serves as a Document Management System, allowing users to maintain document libraries and digital folders associated with students, teachers, groups, subjects, or activities. This functionality can work in sync with other modules such as Admissions for managing documents related to the admission or enrollment process.

Automated User Management

Merbebt offers advanced user management functionality. Back-office users can print user account information or send it to the users’ personal emails. Moreover, it is easy to open new user accounts and manage thousands of end-users, like students, educators, and parents.


Student Medical Data

Admin employees and teachers have access to student’s medical data with specific user permissions. That ensures that specific disabilities, illnesses, or allergies are spotted from the appropriate personnel staff or educator, allowing the student’s wellbeing throughout their daily academic life. Also, this functionality allows educational organizations to manage all necessary medical updates related to COVID pandemic such as vaccination and daily testing.

Bulk Actions

Administrators have a plethora of tools to perform bulk actions related to student enrollment and assignment to classes. Back-office employees can massively change student data such as nationality etc. saving tons of time from repeating tedious actions. This functionality works well in sync with other modules for managing bulk actions related to academic or financial activities.

Mass Export and Reporting

Admins can export all student data views in various formats such as .csv, word, excel for further analysis. They can import students, educators, relatives, or subjects for automating the curriculum creation. Additionally, they can import existing timetables from 3-rd party tools as well as marking and rubric criteria for grading audits. This functionality works in sync with the finance module for exporting and posting all financial transactions to third-party accounting software. Admins can also send personalized reports about user account data, grade reports, or letters to hundreds of users utilizing Merbebt’s communication functionality.



Merbebt allows your institution to customize all the communication sent to end users such as students, parents, and educators. Any SMS, email or in-app message sent by Merbebt is based on open, user editable templates that can be easily created by using Merbebt‘ s template manager.

Employees &
Other Contacts

Use Merbebt to store all contacts information including employees, suppliers, external companies, or any other type of contact in one place. A dedicated tab contains all the necessary information allowing you to easily manage all entries, while the system allows you to export lists to excel.

   Personal Data &    Demographics

Merbebt Core allows educational organizations to store and manage personal data such as passport information, language spoken, family status, referral data, nationality, past experiences, medical data, and any other useful information related to students, their parents, or teachers.




Customization Features

Use Merbebt’s analytics reports to get insights about students’ academic performance, such as drop-out rates, or financial arrangements. The customization of the educational institution is wizard-based for easily managing all steps of the process easily. This module also offers advanced role management functionality that allows IT managers to secure user’s privacy and data compliance.

Consents Management

Capture consents easily under GDPR or other government regulation. Consents can be captured with a broad range of filters such as per academic period or according to extracurricular activity and age.





With an open API, Merbebt makes it easy for you to connect with your existing tools and workflows, ensuring a smooth and seamless experience.
Merbebt offers seamless integration with over 40 of the most popular third-party tools, including Office 365, Google Workspace, Moodle, Webex, MS Teams, Zoom, HubSpot and more.
No more fragmented IT infrastructure or time-consuming manual data transfer. Merbebt streamlines all your school operations, saves time and reduces errors.
Contact our sales team and discover the benefits of a fully integrated education technology solution!